Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Episode 40 BUPL

Let me just first apologize for the delay in posting this week's BUPL. I guess you could say the delay was like making of Medellin, just when you thought it wasn't going to happen...I comes back out of nowhere. This week's BUPL has to go to Turtle. He was like a kid in a candy store or Drama at an asian massage parlor in this episode. He returned from Rufus's shop and is so excited about the prospects of dating Kelly tells the fellas "I can't wait for you guys to meet her...she's like me with Tits!" Great line!! This means that the one liner king, Johnny Drama, is still scoreless in the BUPL standings:

Drama 0
E 1
Turtle 1
Ari 0
Vince 0


Jolleen said...

Hey guys! I'm psyched to see the score board after this coming weeks episode!

The Ocho said...

Boys, good work on the blog. I too have a blog, but the breadth of our endeavor is a little more expansive. However, I look forward to reading this nonetheless. However, I do take issue with the BUPL of "A Day at the Races" episode. My vote, if I had a vote, would be for Drama; it went something like this:

"Are you kidding me? She'd go to the Gaza Strip in a Yamaka for Vince."

The Ocho said...

P.S., check out our blog at adventuresofronmexico.blogspot.com