Monday, July 13, 2009

BUPL Episode 67: "Drive."

The enduring tradition here at the Ultimate Entourage Blog (and many other Entourage blogs around the blogosphere) continues this season with our weekly "Best Unprintable Line." This season we promise to bring you the pithiest, funniest, and most memorable quotes from the show to date. And this season kicks off with this week's BUPL winner, Sal (sorry, I can't help myself from referring to Turtle as Sal from hereon out; I hope this rests well with you all).

Now, normally, we here at TUEB try to stay off the beaten path with our friends over at Newsday and "Lets Blog it Out," but Turtle's line this week was too good not to give the nod to. Maybe it was the way in which it was delivered, or how most guys can relate to the situation, but his line while enjoying a little bubblebath romance with new love interest (on the show and in real life) Jamie Lynn Sigler takes the prize. After getting a little perturbed with Jamie's antics in the tub, Sal spouts back:

"You know what? Just for that, I'm peeing in the tub right now."

Now while we here at TUEB always are open to printing the best "unprintable" line as well, the delivery and humor in this one was too good to snub. However, we will give runnerup credit to a classic Drama line, delivered by the lothario himself:

"P*ssy can smell other p*ussy and they have to pounce on it. That's why when you're on a hot streak, you gotta' press it; just like in Blackjack."

A VERY BUPL-worthy line, but Turtle's line just made me laugh more. So, congrats to Turtle/Sal this week and we look forward to a very spirited competition for the next 3 months, to be sure.

Stay Classy.

- Ocho

BUPL Standings:

Turtle - 1
The Field - 0

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